Hays County Commissioners Court

How Hays County Government Promotes Religion, Part 3

In Part 1 on this topic, I explained how the Hays County Commissioners Court established religious worship as an integral part of its meetings one year ago.  In Part 2, I described the content of its religious practice.  In this third and final column, I address the constitutionality of the Court’s religious practices and explain how they deny equal protection to those in Hays County who are not religious.  While I am indebted to both the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) and Americans United for Separation of Church and State (AU) for their analysis of Establishment Clause jurisprude

Pastor Jeff Latham gives an invocation before the Hays County Commissioners Court.

How Hays County Government Promotes Religion, Part 2

In Part 1 on this topic, I explained how the Hays County Commissioners Court established religious worship as an integral part of its meetings.  In this column, I will explain some of the details of that religious worship as the Court’s Policy has been implemented.

The Rev. Ben Jordan gives an invocation  before the Hays County Commissioners Court.